Tuesday, January 18, 2011


OK, so it’s been a couple of weeks, I’m starting to get my bearings and I still have the excitement of a 6 year old on the eve of their birthday when I head to MTA. We’re into the new year and we all had a few weeks off for the holidays. Before we were let loose (like a bunch of birds getting let out of the cage) for our holidays, there were a few things I was doing with Gareth for the website.

As I had been doing in the first few weeks of my work experience at MTA I've been doing the photos for the website. We've been pasting all the photos from the database to the Website. There are So Many acts that are with MTA, and all of them are worthy of having a larger image of themselves on the website - this means it may take a while for Gareth and I to get through the lot. It’s repetitive but rewarding; it’s great knowledge to know what goes on behind the site and the time it takes to make it all happen. It’s also amazing to know that there are some many different acts and so much variety in Australia!

My first experience calling up artists happen a couple weeks ago. Really cool experience. I needed to call a few jazz artists to see if they were available to work on a Tuesday morning. Many artists can’t work during business hours because they work other jobs to make a living, and perform or play to get a bit of extra money or just as a hobby. Anyway, I called the artists. I was nervous - although I have talked to hundreds of thousands of people in my life, my voice was playing up like I was back in 8th grade and I was asking out Susie Fisher again.

Another project, which I'm liking, is the long process of adding the MTA business and artists to as many search engine sites as possible. I was give a list of music, theatre and other types of site from Mandy, so I've been adding the MTA website and Masquerade band to every website search engine I see, hear and smell.

I’m sure that there is more and more exciting stuff ahead.

Thanks for reading

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