Sunday, October 24, 2010

Whoops, I missed last Monday - sorry gang! Been super-busy with all the usual work stuff, plus organising our entertainment showcase for Meeting Mart tomorrow (and all the usual life stuff!).

Coolest thing I did on the weekend? A 30km fund raiser hike through the Dandenongs. Took hours but what a sense of accomplishment. We took a bit longer than we could have because one of the girls in our team did her knee in but was determined to finish it, so we decided we'd all stick it out together. An amazing day with some amazing people. It was such a great experience to be in a team of people whose attitude wasn't 'wow this hurts why was I so stupid as to do this?' but rather 'wow, what a challenge. I'm so grateful I am able to do this.'. Really good perspective on life!

If you haven't yet gone for a ramble through the Dandenongs, I'd strongly recommend it - just watch out for the hills!

Can't wait to hear about everyone else's weekend!


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